One Man’s Odyssey to the Dining Center

Illustration by Giovanni Guida, CC BY-SA 3.0 with modification

Departed I, one dank and cloudy day,
For ‘taters hot and crisp in the lunch tray,
Sweet heaven: morsels of divine delight
Tip of paradise’s glor’ous height.
A tender, sweetest death and birth entire
In flaked potato crisp’d of true desire.

The schlep begins in winding misery,
just underfoot is God’s auxiliary.
A stormy sky replete with deepest shadows,
and ice that falls in sheets upon my elbows.
I raise my arms to fast umbrella form
My laptop my defense against the storm.

Wetness frigid mocks my glacial pace,
The savage storm slows hands and heart and haste.
But lo! A Lexus bursts forth from the fog,
Who bares its grills in brilliant blinding clog
The red of “Campus Safety” shines my way—
Perhaps a ride I’ll cop this brutal day!

Inside the space of breath we glance exchange
But colder eyes have never spurned my pain.
His deafness to my pleas I’ve not forgot,
In odyssey for the crisp tater tot.

So thus I trudge in sodden sudden bliss,
My goal remembered–Sunshine in the Mist!
Wisdom Supreme, and Love at Primal scale….

oh Fuck It’s Cold but I’m too far to bail.

The Dining Center shines bright in the gloom,
This bloody battle like to carve my tomb.
The hill grows steep, erect in callous jab,
I take the hit, and whimper for Queen Mab.
“Sweet lady, in this sable, softest sleep,
Like midnight embers, placid my dreams keep.”

Her silver syrup dribbles through my vision,
Mucus strands prophetic, gorged, and slack:
The tots are absent, gone–O filched provision!
The tray is empty, humble in its lack.

I’m downed! I mourn my love so quickly lost,
Till clement spirit doth my eyes accost
Behold! Some angel beckons with his tray,
Potato’s hand to heaven lights the way.

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