Five Things You Can Relate to If You’re French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard

Not many people can say that they’re French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard, but for the lucky few with a claim to the Richard name, you know that life as a hockey superstar can be, well, different. If you proudly wear jersey number 9, here are some common experiences that are all too real for Francophone sports legends. 

  1. You played for the Montreal Canadiens from 1942-1960

I know it sounds cliche, but if you had a successful career with Montreal’s hockey team during the Golden Age of the NHL, then chances are, you might be French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard. 

  1. You like kids

With your seven kids and fourteen grandkids, let’s face it; you’re devoted to your family life. When you’re finished with a long day of practice with the Montreal Canadiens, there’s nothing you love more than coming home to your loving family. If you have a substantial brood of French-speaking children, there’s a pretty good possibility that you’re French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard.

  1. You were the subject of the 2005 biopic The Rocket 

Sure– plenty of people have inspired award-winning sports biopics, but were you portrayed by renowned actor Roy Dupuis in a performance that won the “Best Actor” prize at the Tokyo International Film Festival? If you’re French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard, then you can probably relate to being immortalized on the Francophone screen.

  1. You tend to be an introvert

If you have a reserved nature which masks an aggressive intensity, then you might be French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “The Rocket” Richard! Sometimes, you might feel worn out from social interactions and need some time to yourself. However, your quiet demeanor conceals a fiery passion for your sport that led your team to seven Stanley Cup wins, including five in a row. #IntrovertWinning!

  1. You were the first non-politician to receive a state funeral from the state of Quebec

After your death from abdominal cancer in 2000, did you receive a state funeral despite not playing a role in politics? Was your legacy after your death so great that your jersey number was retired from the sport?  If so, you just might be French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “The Rocket” Richard!

Abigail Meeker
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2 thoughts on “Five Things You Can Relate to If You’re French-Canadian Hockey Legend Maurice “the Rocket” Richard

  1. This article changed my life. I used to wonder who I was and now I know. I was saddened to hear about my death from abdominal cancer, but that sadness pales in comparison to finally knowing who I am. Thank you Abigail Meeker! This list gave me the greatest gift one can receive, the knowledge of one’s self.

  2. Whoever wrote this article must be really cool, funny, and sexy. I hope future employers reading this know to hire this amazing, groundbreaking writer who I don’t personally know

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